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Developmental situation
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Developmental situation

In general, there is still a significant need of development. The Human Development Index [1] (HDI) for Cameroon is 0,506. Thus, Cameroon occupied in the rankings place 144 out of 177 countries.

The population growth is rapid, 56 % of the population is under 20 years old. The mortality rate of under five-year-old children is rising again, according to UNICEF from 139 in 1990 back to 149 per 1000 children in 2005. Perhaps this is due to the escalating AIDS epidemic, which demands more and more victims in Cameroon.

According to Freedom House political freedom is restricted, because of discrepancies in elections and repression against the opposition. Nevertheless Cameroon is a stable country on the right way.


 144 of 177 countries

Life expectancy (m/f):

 50/51 years

Population growth rate:

  2.2 %

Birth rate:

 4.4 children per woman

BIP (2004):

 12.7 billion €

Per capita income:

 780 € per year

Adult literacy rate:

  67,9 %

Enrolment in primary school:

 116,7 %

Graduation rate from primary:

  63,3 %

Enrolment in secondary school:

  43,8 %

[1] The HDI is composed of the life expectancy, educational standards of the country (e.g. enrolment rates, adult literacy, etc.) and standard of living (as measured by income, etc.). The index relates not to data, which only dare to be measured, such as political freedom, human rights, etc. (see the UNDP 2006)